Jupyter Notebook on container

GUI container on the *Docker*

Yukta chakravarty
2 min readJun 9, 2021
  • Launch a container on docker in GUI mode
  • Run any GUI software on the container

We are going to launch jupyter notebook on container

Step 1: Create Dockerfile

To launch jupyter notebook we first need to install

  1. python
  2. jupyter
  3. firefox or any other browser as jupyter notebook uses browser

In Dockerfile , first we have base image as centos

Then download python3, jupyter and firefox

Expose ports 8888,80,8080 (8888 for jupyter notebook, 80 & 8080 for firefox)

All above commands are run at build time i.e while building the images

jupyter notebook command will run at run time i.e whenever we launch container using the image

Note: Remember to name file as Dockerfile

You can find the dockerfile at link below

Step 2: Build image from dockerfile

Go to path where you have create dockerfile

Build image using docker build -t jupyterimage:v1 .

where -t used for tag as we have given jupyterimage:v1 as tag

Don’t forget dot(.) at last it tells to use current path

Step 3: Launch container using the image

Launch container using docker run -it --net=host -e DISPLAY imageName

Here , -e DISPLAY is for telling to use display for host , giving --net=host option to the docker create or docker run commands, Docker uses the host’s network stack for the container. The network configuration of the container is the same as that of the host and the container shares the service ports that are available to the host. This configuration does not provide any network isolation for a container.

As soon as we launch the container we can see jupyter notebook open in browser of centos i.e of container, it is using display of host to show browser

Hence, we can similarly launch other GUI software in containers as well

